Huzzah! A delightful write-up on our extremely delightful HUMAN/ANIMAL exhibition. Daniel, the article’s author, was able to meet several of the exhibiting Seattle- and Portland-based artists, as well as some of the Los Angeles-based artists who had flown up to join us for the show’s opening reception. It was a great night, and we are only too happy to share the experience right here. Our thanks to Daniel and the Seattle Gay News!
If you haven’t yet seen the show, um, you must. If you are not in Seattle, we get that you are probably bummed you can’t see the show. But fear ye not – we’ll post show images and artwork on our social, as well as host weekly artist talks on IG Live and a few Q & A’s on our News & Events page. Installation shots also forthcoming on the Exhibitions page.
Plus – we also have a HUMAN/ANIMAL digital catalogue! Huzzah! Email us at gallery@amcecreativearts.com with ‘digital catalogue’ in the subject line and we’ll send you a link. And after you are done perusing it, you are welcome to email us back to gush and wax poetic. 🥰

Sarah Gordon, Kim Bagwill, Johanna Goodman, and Kirsten Tradowsky

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