You can do hard things – by McLean

You can do hard things – by McLean

In my outside the gallery life, I am obsessed with competitive cooking shows. I sate myself with the Gordon Ramsey franchise (save when was young and ridiculous) while I await the next season of The Great British Baking Show. Next to art (and my silly cat), it’s...
McLean’s Interview with GoSolo

McLean’s Interview with GoSolo

The online, collaborative business subscription platform Subkit interviewed me for their Go Solo entrepreneurial series.  So much to say about starting and running one’s own small business! For a taste, click here to read the...
Robert Hardgrave’s Animations from PEARL

Robert Hardgrave’s Animations from PEARL

In case you missed Robert’s fall 2022 solo show PEARL at AMcE, here are some installation images. It was magical. An extravaganza if you will.  For the show, we screened a 10-minute compilation of his animations. I love, no lurv his animations. They are...